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"We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then is not an act, but a habit."





























The James S. Rickards Cheerleading Organization (RHC) prides itself in developing and fostering athletic commitment amongst cheerleaders and pride amongst the community. As a competitive cheerleading organization that is much more than just an extra-curricular activity; RHC provides physical & mental challenges, a gateway to building interpersonal relationships, and the opportunity to be a part of an exciting group that expresses school pride and enthusiasm. 


In addition to serving as ambassadors for the school through this organization, cheerleaders gain experience and appreciation of leadership, civic participation, health, fitness and community involvement.


True to Raider pride, members of the distinguished RHC organization remain connected long after they stop wearing the uniform. The longevity of the program is a testament to the dedication each member puts in at every practice, game, community event, performance and competition. Whether in or out of uniform, RHC is committed to living up to the LEGEND brand and continuing a legacy of excellence.


RHC operates as a recognized sport in the district of Leon County and is governed according to the rules of the Florida High School Athletic Association. Please visit our school's official athletic site and facebook page to learn about the great things happening in other sports at Rickards High School.


Want more RHC? Get your cheer fix and connect to us on facebook and instagram for posts about upcoming events and live coverage photographs and videos from games and other activities.


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